What If There Was A Way to Instantly Bring Blood Sugar Down?


    What if you could instantly bring your blood sugar in a normal range from an extreme high?  There have been many times in my experience with type 1 diabetes that I have had a bad pump site without realizing it.  This has caused my blood sugar to jump to over 400 mg/dL and takes several hours to get back in a normal range?  

How Would This Work?

    My idea for this is the opposite of a glucagon pen.  For those who don't know, a glucagon pen is used in extreme cases of low blood sugar where the patient isn't able to eat due to being unable to swallow/being unconscious.  The glucagon is pictured below.
    Back to my idea on this, it would basically work exactly the opposite of the glucagon.  Instead of raising blood sugar rapidly, it would lower blood sugar rapidly.  This would be very beneficial in cases of stubborn high blood sugars and extreme cases where patients are above 600 mg/dL.
    To me, this seems like a great idea as prolonged high blood sugar make patients more susceptible to health problems.  The ability to rapidly drop blood sugar currently isn't available and insulin needs time to be absorbed.  This wouldn't be an every day used item, but rather a commodity to have when your blood sugar just doesn't seem to come down. 


    This obviously isn't a real product but rather a hypothetical "what if" scenario.  I do not claim to know the exact science behind this potential product either.

If you have any questions about my hypothetical idea or want more information about my experience, feel free to contact me!  This is done by clicking the "Contact" link at the top of the page and filling out the form. Or you can always leave a comment below!

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