The Savior


    When I was first diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, I was very scared.  I was 11 when I was diagnosed so, I didn't really know a lot about the disease.  I remember being extremely confused and worried about how the rest of my life would be.  If you have been newly diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, I am here today to tell you that it is going to be okay and you can live a normal, healthy life with type 1 diabetes.

A Real Life Saver

    When first diagnosed with diabetes, you have to walk through the motions and learn how to give yourself a syringe injections because if anything in the future were to go wrong, you would at least know how to get insulin this way.  Once you prove you can do this easily, you can then move on to getting an insulin pump and a CGM (Continuous Glucose Monitor).  I briefly went over this combination in another article. "The Cure," but I want to specifically focus on the CGM here.  When I started using the CGM, I noticed a reduction in my A1C upon the first visit back to the endocrinologist office.  I specifically use the Dexcom G6 as my CGM.  They offer 2 main apps (available for Apple and Android) that offer a lot of convenience. The first one allows you to simply bluetooth to the Dexcom itself and displays your current blood sugar reading along with a 24 hour trend.  The second app (Dexcom Clarity) allows you to see charts of 7, 14, 30, 60, or 90 days.  You can see the trends in your blood sugar, specifically if you are always high around a certain time so you can make the adjustments.  

So What?

    What I'm trying to say is that there is hope.  The technology available today is not like it was 100 or even 50 years ago.  There are effective ways at managing type 1 diabetes and making it as automated as possible.  Looking back to when I was first diagnosed, there was no reason for me to be scared because of the technology that I use today.
A list of other Dexcom testimonials is provided here.

If you have any questions about the CGM or want more information about my experience, feel free to contact me!  This is done by clicking the "Contact" link at the top of the page and filling out the form. Or you can always leave a comment below!

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